Friday Nights 2025 -- Date: 2025-03-29

Race Info:

Date: 2025-03-29 Series: Friday Nights 2025
RC Boat: Nobody RC Skipper: Also Nobody
Prepared By: Colin # Boats: 12
Method: Time on Time Formula: Elapsed * (650/(550 + PHRF))
slow or small Division:
Start: 18:45:00 Course/Distance: #13 / 2.9 nm
Description: Length 29 and below
fast and big Division:
Start: 18:50:00 Course/Distance: #13 / 2.9 nm
Description: PHRF 172 and below; Length 29 and above

12 Boats:

Place Sail # Boat Type PHRF Spin? Roll Furl? Finish Elapsed TCF Corrected Ahead of Next
"slow or small" Division:
1 87863 Falkor Olson 25 159 Y N 19:22:05 00:37:050.9200:33:59 00:04:07
2 99 Gavilan Olson 25 159 Y N 19:26:34 00:41:340.9200:38:06 00:00:30
3 5029 Mad Max Santana 22 234 Y N 19:31:34 00:46:340.8300:38:36 00:00:25
4 18283 Glitch Express 27 129 Y N 19:25:46 00:40:460.9600:39:01 00:00:41
5 28824 Zena Northstar 727 192 Y N 19:30:20 00:45:200.8800:39:42
"fast and big" Division:
1 410 Resolute J/105 78 Y N 19:24:31 00:34:311.0400:35:43 00:00:09
2 28219 Maiden California Olson 30 102 Y N 19:25:59 00:35:591.0000:35:52 00:01:34
3 357 Yellowfin J/105 78 Y N 19:26:10 00:36:101.0400:37:26 00:00:18
4 GBR 5714L Mymble J99 72 Y Y 19:26:51 00:36:511.0200:37:44 00:01:11
5 46060 Energy J/105 78 Y N 19:27:36 00:37:361.0400:38:55 00:02:19
6 342 Nirvana J/105 78 Y N 19:29:51 00:39:511.0400:41:14 00:02:29
7 8946 Elise C&C 40-2 93 Y Y 19:34:08 00:44:080.9900:43:43